

Ha! I thought about this when trying to open more than one tab in Mozilla Firefox - you know, when multi-tasking really gets into me I kinda 'zoom' if you get my drift. You see, I was being greedy and selfish, wanting everything to run at the same time on my fairly small screen, including two other Office applications. My, you should have seen the way the mouse jammed and refused to move further. That got me even more frustrated! I tried swishing it around harder, even changed the mouse pad I was using but to no avail. Then I heard the word 'patience' whispered softly in my ears....

You see, this is a classic example of how we often get impatient with life, things, friends, family and yes, even with God. Mostly it's about wanting things our own way and we don't stop to consider whether other ways are available or whether what we're trying to push for will really benefit anyone in the end, least of all ourselves.For Our Information (FOI) the root of all impatience is in greed and selfishness.
Two things make us even more prone to impatience - the so-called rat-race and the quick-fixes age in which we live. The pressure is so great we usually don't realize we're sick with impatience until the sores of negative consequences begin to appear.

Our Lord encouraged us to value patience because it works something special in us - divine character. We need patience to be in the presence of God long enough to hear His voice. We need patience to deal with those who offend us. We need patience in order to receive God's promises. We need patience in order to fulfill divine destiny in God's kyros.

Patience is the one antidote needed for the numerous maladies we face in our world today. We need to teach our children, students and loved ones how to be patient in order to preserve a generation of people who are in a position to better hear the voice of God that will bring creative solutions to our problem-weary world.

Have a patient life, would you?

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