Friday, July 16, 2010

Thoughts on Leadership

Leadership requires you to have a strong sense of responsibility. Responsibility includes the ability to carry out a task to completion, the ability to accept blame when things under your charge go wrong and the ability to see that what needs to be done is done, even if you are not the one to do it directly. You have to be not only bold, but organized, focused and steady. If you have a tendency to leave things undone or half done, then nobody will want to follow you or do what you are doing. You must always have a clear vision of where you are going and a clear course of action as well.

As a leader, your life is subject to constant scrutiny by others who may or may not be supportive. That means you've got to be sure of your vision, your goals, your values and principles of life. These may not suit everyone around you (in fact, they most probably won't) but as long as you are confident and have a good answer for what you believe in, you do not have to please everyone at the same time. However, this does not mean that you are free to advocate for anything under the sky. Use wisdom in your decisions and actions.

If you have any insecurity, endeavor to deal with it as best as you can. Do not pretend or try to cover them up. They have a tendency to pop up just when you are trying to deal with a crisis. Work on understanding who you are, what you stand for and what your strengths and weaknesses are. Your sense of identity is very critical in this respect and the sooner it is sorted out the better for you and those you lead.

As a leader, you tend to pass on to others what you feel, what you think, your opinions and even your lifestyle. The spelling for this is I-N-F-L-U-E-N-C-E. This occurs behind the scenes in ways that are not so overt but becomes evident in those closest to you. This means that you have to be careful what you communicate, that it is not only right but also wholesome. Be honest, truthful and careful.

Remember to be sensitive to the needs of the people you are leading. Never assume that everything is okay, even when no one is complaining. Try to interact with them as often and freely as possible; this is a good way of finding out what is happening in their lives. Be sure to listen to their problems even if you have no immediate solution. Listening tends to have the effect of softening an otherwise hard heart.

Finally, integrity should become your lifestyle. Underwrite all your promises and declarations with appropriate actions that show commitment to your ideals. This is the best way to build trust and guarantee the people's support, especially when going through a rough time.

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